EN: Once upon a time it was a world full with love. Because there was so much happiness people lift balloons with the surplus of joy for those who needed it. Those who had a sad day or were busy, they just had to watch the morning sky to fill themselves up with optimism.
Coming back to today’s reality, I want to inform you that we arrived in Cappadocia and photographed in their beautiful places. Everything was like a story , which I still feel I am still today apart of. I still think about the morning sky flooded of air balloons, one more beautiful than the other and carrying into the air happy people.
Joined by Andrada & Stef we embarked on this journey, out of their great desire to do the After the Wedding photo session in their favourite place.
I could peacefully tell the whole story, the places we visited, what I felt and how loaded I came home, in a few pages of a journal. Here on the blog I promised to be more balanced and try not to exceed the number of words allocated.
If you have not yet arrived in Cappadocia, I will leave here the below images some reasons to give you a reason to visit it soon, and if you wonder why there are no balloons in all the images … I confess that to my annoyance and probably to all the enthusiasts, the balloons are in the air only at dawn, for about 45 minutes. And if the images that contain balloons seems to be not enough or done in only one place, consider the followings: the balcony (of 10 m2) where “we” strategically chose to create wonderful memories, was effectively filled of tourists waiting for the perfect images with balloons. Our luck was that all those tourists helped us and were very understanding, seeing the brides and groom all dressed up.
Ps: “never put off till tomorrow what you can do today” proved to be very valid, because we had the misfortune, the next day in Cappadocia (I stayed there only two days), the air balloons could not rise from the ground because of a very strong wind. We were very disappointed, but we were happy that we could admire and photograph them on our first day.
RO: A fost odata ca niciodata o lume plina de iubire. Atat de multa bucurie exista in jur incat oamenii inaltau baloane cu surplus de bucurie, pentru cei ce aveau nevoie de ea. Cei ce aveau o zi trista sau erau ingandurati, trebuiau doar sa priveasca cerul dis-de-dimineata pentru a se incarca cu optimism.
In realitatea zilelor noastre vreau sa va comunic ca am ajuns in Cappadocia si am fotografiat in locurile lor pline de frumos. Ca o poveste a fost totul, caci inca nu mi-am revenit. Inca imi sta gandul la dimineata plina de baloane, care mai de care mai frumos si plin de omuleti fericiti.
Alaturi de Andrada & Stef am pornit in aceasta calatorie, din dorinta lor cea mare de a face sesiunea foto After the Wedding in locul lor preferat.
As putea linistita sa curpind intreaga poveste, locurile vizitate de noi, ceea ce am simtit si cat de incarcati am venit acasa, in cateva pagini ale unui jurnal. Aici pe blog am promis sa fiu ceva mai echilibrata si incerc sa nu depasesc numarul de cuvinte alocat. ?
Daca inca nu ati ajuns in Cappadocia, va las in imaginile de mai jos cateva motive sa o vizitati curand, iar daca va intrebati de ce nu exista baloane in toate imaginile…va marturisesc ca spre supararea mea si probabil a tuturor entuziastilor ce pornesc in calatorii de genul acesta, baloanele sunt in aer doar dimineata la rasarit, pentru aproximativ 45 de minute. Si daca imaginile ce contin baloane vi se par putine sau realizate in aproximativ acelasi loc, luati in considerare faptul ca…acel balcon ( de 10 m2 ) in care “ne-am” asezat strategic pentru a crea amintiri faine, s-a umplu efetiv de turisti in asteptarea imaginilor perfecte cu baloanele. Norocul nostru a fost ca toti acei turisti ne-au ajutat si au fost foarte intelegatori, vazandu-i pe cei doi miri in rochie si costum.
Ps: ” Nu lasa pe maine ce poti face astazi ” s-a dovedit a fi foarte valabil, caci spre ghinionul nostru, a doua zi in Cappadocia ( am stat acolo doar doua zile ), baloanele nu s-au inaltat din cauza vantului foarte puternic. Dezamagirea a fost fooooarte mare, insa ne-am bucurat ca le-am admirat si fotografiat in prima noastra zi.
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